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Private Property Towing Company in SC

Removing unwanted or unauthorized vehicles parked on your residential or commercial property can be a hassle. To streamline removal while maintaining regulatory compliance, leave this task to Hawkins Towing. We are a premier private property towing company in Greenville, Anderson, and Spartanburg, SC.

a private car being towed by a towing car, Travelers Rest, SC

Discover Comprehensive Towing Solutions

Whether you are stranded on the interstate, seeking on-demand roadside assistance, or faced with specialty towing needs, Hawkins Towing has you covered. With over a decade of experience, we are proud to stand as Greenville, Anderson, and Spartanburg, SC’s leading 24-hour towing provider. Partner with us for everything from standard to heavy-hauling and private property towing.

Understanding Towing From a Private Property

Owning or managing a residential or commercial property involves ensuring private parking areas remain open and available for residents and authorized users. Unfortunately, not all drivers respect signs and parking regulations. To enforce the safety, protection, and order of your property, Hawkins Towing provides a qualified towing service for private property.

How Private Property Towing Works

Private property towing involves the removal of unwanted or unauthorized vehicles from a home or business. Residential and commercial property owners are not authorized to handle towing from private property on their own. To remain in compliance with regulatory standards, these demands must be handled by a state-recognized private property towing company.

The Basics of Towing From a Private Property

Commercial and residential property owners must abide by certain regulations to legally enforce private property towing. It’s important to understand the basics of towing from private property to manage your commercial parking lot or residential driveway. To ensure you are well-informed, Hawkins Towing is here to serve as your guide.

Your Right to Private Property Towing Services

Towing a vehicle on private property may seem straightforward. However, there are certain eligibility requirements. Private property towing services are reserved for residential homeowners, commercial property managers, commercial property owners, and homeowners’ associations. These services cannot be provided by a general towing service and must be handled by state-licensed and certified professionals.

Private Property Towing Signage

Commercial properties should pursue private property towing if their property is equipped with clear signage that indicates that vehicles cannot park there. These signs hold the unauthorized vehicle owner responsible for towing and recovery fees. Without signage, commercial property owners may have a vehicle removed but may be at risk for the associated expenses.

Costs & Fees Associated With Towing From Private Property

The cost of towing cars from private property varies. If the unwanted or unauthorized vehicle is registered in South Carolina, the vehicle owner will be held liable for the towing and recovery fees. For unregistered vehicles, the private property owner may be subject to a removal fee.

Safe & Compliant Conflict Resolution

Conflicts and safety hazards are common concerns among private property owners seeking unauthorized vehicle removal. Hawkins Towing focuses on security and fosters safe, compliant, and conflict-free services. With strong ties to local law enforcement, we have a protocol in place to ensure property owner safety in the event of a disgruntled vehicle owner.

Getting an Unauthorized Vehicle Towed From Your Property

There are many reasons you may need the assistance of a private property towing company. Among the most common are unwanted or unauthorized vehicles parked in the following areas:
• Reserved parking spots
• Overnight/no parking zones
• Private lots and driveways
• Loading zones
• Time-restricted parking zones
• Fire lanes
• Handicap spots
• Visitor’s spots

Leave It to Hawkins Towing

Hawkins Towing is your premier private property towing company. We recognize the frustration and inconvenience associated with these unlawful occurrences. Trust in our efficient private property towing to restore your peace of mind without delay. With strict adherence to private property towing regulations, we are equipped to remove standard and heavy-duty vehicles.

Our Private Property Towing Procedure

We make towing cars from private property safe, straightforward, and efficient. To get started with private property towing, property owners must contact our responsive team to provide us with towing authorization. Once authorized, we will arrive in a timely and professional manner to recover and transport the vehicle to a local impound service.

Contact Our Private Property Towing Company Today

If you’re dealing with an unauthorized vehicle on your property, you’ve come to the right place. Towing a vehicle on private property can be challenging, but Hawkins Towing is here to help you. Contact our team  today to secure private property towing services in Greenville, Anderson, or Spartanburg, SC.

Call for Tow Service or Roadside Assistance