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Roadside Assistance in Greenville, Anderson & Spartanburg, SC

When you experience a problem with your car or truck while on the road, you may not be able to safely assess and solve the problem yourself. If you are in a remote area, at the side of a busy highway, or alone in the dark, you need a reliable, trustworthy company that can provide 24-hour roadside assistance. Hawkins Towing has provided safe, efficient roadside assistance in Greenville, Anderson, and Spartanburg, SC, for the last two decades. We are standing by 24/7 to find fast solutions for any problem, no matter how complex. We arrive at your location quickly, with the tools and expertise needed to handle your issue and get you back on the road safely as soon as possible. Call us today to learn more about our emergency roadside assistance services.

What Our Emergency Roadside Assistance Services Include

We have decades of experience providing fast, safe, and effective solutions to problems faced by drivers on the road. We have solved thousands of problems, from simple to complex, and have gotten drivers safely on their way to their next destination. Our 24/7 emergency roadside assistance services include:

Benefits of Using Our Roadside Assistance Services

A problem with your car or truck can cause major safety issues and present a hazard to other drivers. Even on a quiet road, trying to fix a major problem with your vehicle by yourself could put you in a vulnerable position. You might injure yourself, further damage your car, or end up in danger of an accident if another car comes. When you’re on a busy road or highway or have car trouble at night, your risks increase even more. If you’re on a timeline and want to get to your next destination as quickly and safely as possible, our roadside assistance crew is ready to help. The biggest benefits of emergency roadside assistance services are:

  • Protect your safety and the safety of your vehicle after a breakdown.
  • Make sure your personal property and cargo are protected.
  • Reduce the risk of further damage to your car due to an accident with another vehicle.
  • Maintain your safety and comfort in dark or unsafe areas while you wait for your vehicle to be fixed or towed.
  • Get back on the road faster and with less stress.
  • Access professional repair equipment and replacement parts you likely don’t have in your vehicle.
  • Avoid having to walk to a service station or auto repair shop.

We Are Available 24/7 for Your Roadside Assist

Our crew is available 24/7 to provide swift, safe roadside assistance throughout upstate South Carolina. Our goal is to maintain your safety and find the fastest and most effective solution to your problem so you can either get to a trusted auto repair shop or get back on the road. When you call us, at any time, day or night, you will get a live person on the other end of the phone who can quickly dispatch one of our experienced roadside assistance team members to your location.

Our Locations

We provide fast, reliable, 24 hour roadside assistance throughout upstate South Carolina, including:

  • ● Greenville, SC
  • ● Spartanburg, SC
  • ● Anderson, SC

Why Choose Hawkins Towing

At Hawkins Towing, we are a locally owned and operated 24-hour towing and roadside assistance provider. Our experienced, reliable team is standing by 24/7 to provide safe, fast roadside assistance or towing services. We are committed to customer satisfaction and safety and will do everything possible to find a safe, efficient, and effective solution to your problem, no matter how complex. We have over two decades of experience in the industry, and our customers know they can rely on us to get the job done right. We specialize in emergency towing and roadside assistance services, wrecker services, roadside assistance, load shift assistance, DOT inspections for trailers, mobile welding, heavy hauling services, flatbed towing, truck brake services, off-road recovery, and heavy-duty towing services. We offer fast, reliable response times and quality roadside services for vehicles and trucks.

Learn More About Our 24 Hour Roadside Assistance

If you’re looking for the best roadside assistance in Greenville, Spartanburg, or Anderson, SC, our team at Hawkins Towing can help. Our crew is standing by 24/7, ready to provide high-quality, reliable roadside assistance services. We can safely get you back on the road or tow you to a nearby auto repair shop that you can trust. Our goal is to maintain your safety and the safety of your vehicle until we can get you back on the road. Call us today or contact us online to learn more about our 24 hour roadside assistance services.

Call for Tow Service or Roadside Assistance